I got a mouse in my flat!
The other night I heard some rustling from a plastic bag under my bed. It was 4am in the morning so I was too lazy to get up and investigate. In my head I was hoping it was something inside the bag trying to get out rather than the other way round!
The next morning I had a look and, to my horror, there were signs of a mouse trying to claw its way into the bag. I shucked the whole thing out and put down a sticky mouse trap by the hole in the floor under my bed.
The following night I woke up, again at 4am, by the sound of the little mouse getting stuck on the glue trap. It sounded like Fred Astaire was tap dancing under my bed. The little sucker managed to get free of the glue trap and I could hear the little pet scratching in another corner. This just proves that glue traps are useless!
The maintenance guy was here and blocked the hole in the floor. I seriously hope this is the end of my little mouse’s night visits to my flat.
In the meanwhile the Government had a brainwave and noticed the budget is of the charts and their solution? To cut the sickness budget!
Now, how are they going to do that? Telling sick people to work? Forcing employers to employ sick people? Imagine a job interview where the applicant says, 'I have schizophrenia and a multiple personality disorder', which brings an ability to multitask into a whole new different level! However, I doubt such comments will lead to fulltime employment.
Wouldn’t it be better for the Government to cancel the Pope’s visit to London, which will cost in the region of 12 million pounds? Surely the rich Catholic Church can pay for the blooming visit if they invited him! And don’t even get me started on the costs of the effing Olympic Games 2012, which I could not even afford a ticket to and even if I could, there will be no left after all the politicians got their free VIP tickets...
A third option for the Government to cut costs is to make the bankers pay for the economical crises, which they themselves created in the first place. In July 2010 the banks' profits where in the region of £8.4bn. I say tax the bloody bankers and stop their bonuses. The most important thing in a country is the welfare of its people, which include the sick ones, so sod the market!