Is the death penalty the solution to my problems?

I am firmly against death penalty but last night I seriously felt it was appropriate to bring it back as a practical way to deal with noisy neighbours. There is a Nigerian lady living above me and she has an extraordinary loud voice. It’s goes through anything and she does enjoy talking or in her case it’s more a question of shouting. It’s unbelievable how much noise she can produce just by sitting down and having a chat with a friend.

Last night she had the telly on loud and at least one other woman over for a visit. It sounded like there were five or more fishmonger wives having an argument and over the entire racket you could hear a poor child crying his lungs out. He probably just wanted to sleep, like me.

I decided to go up and knock her door, thinking that she might be unaware of that the volume of her conversations is disturbing in the night. I knocked the door and she opened. I asked her if she could keep the noise down a bit because people are trying to sleep. She just snared, “I don’t disturb people”, and slammed the door in my face. It was then I felt death penalty would be a good option.

I went back to bed and tried to read but her conversation made it impossible to concentrate. Instead I started to fantasize about different scenarios for my revenge. My favourite was that I went up there with a bazooka and said “Shut up, your mother fucker”, and blow her off the planet. Other options involved the police and social services, collecting names from the whole neighbourhood for a petition to get her evicted. Somewhere there I fell asleep.

The lady upstairs behaves strange in other situations as well. When she had a water leak in her bathroom, which generated a rainfall in my bathroom, she refused to let the maintenance guy in to fix it. She said she didn’t have a leak!
When water poured down from my roof in the sitting room the same thing happened. When the maintenance finally got access to her flat it turned out she had a leak from her freezer and had not noticed the pool of water on her floor!

The woman is insane. She even looks mad because she has shaved off her natural eyebrows and painted in fake ones with a thick black pen, which make her look like a cartoon.

I pray for strength to live through this. If I am lucky she gets pneumonia and dies...or even better, I get some acceptance in my life and accept that we are different.
Live and let live!