
Can someone please get me out of this dump, I can’t stand it anymore! Sadly, I have no choice but to stay put since I can’t afford to move out. It’s a disgrace that housing could be this poor.

First we have the external area to deal with as in the road the house is located. For example, the other evening when I came home at around 10 or 11 there was a girl across the road. She was wearing only jeans and no top. She was topless!

She was banging on a door and shouting at the guy inside to let her in. She was high as a kite but I was concerned about her wellbeing. Another neighbour came out and talked to the girl. I left it at that and went into my flat. I then looked through my window and more people had come out to discuss the situation with the topless lady. Eventually the guy came out and threw her clothes at her. I can seriously live without the drama.

A few days later the a police car arrived at the halfway house across the street and the dude living there was out on the street shouting at the coppers about some guy kicking the door in. A police van arrived and officers ran into the house and came out with a young man in cuffs. Later a housing association car drove up to the house and boarded it up. Now I wonder where the guys in the halfway house got to live. I hope they are not homeless!

It’s not any better in the back of the building. I try to clean it up every now and then but it just keeps getting filthy. But I don’t give up and I am quite proud with the result. (See the before and after pictures.)
Before cleaning:

After cleaning:

When you have tackled the external environment you enter the building itself and are met with a huge pram park. We have at least ten to fifteen prams in the entrance hall. People are clearly overcrowded in the tiny flats!
As I walk up the stairs to my flat I have to evade the hoodies that use our building as a hang out place when it rains or is too cold to be outside. After all those obstacles I finally reach my dump of a flat.
I used to think that I live alone but not anymore! I share my little space with mice, cockroaches, spiders and some dumb insect that surprisingly have not been extinct yet. It’s a tiny black little bug that hardly ever moves so it’s dead easy to kill it. Strange little creature. And finally I have my little fungus mushroom growing in the bathroom.
I had enough of this - can someone please get me out of here? Cameron?

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