Finally, I got a prescription for my support stockings and I rushed to the pharmacy to collect them. Silly enough, I was totally unprepared for the measuring that was required.
My pharmacist is a young, good locking Asian chap and as he showed me in to a small private room, it dawned on me that I would have to get undressed in front of him. The fact that he was so obviously embarrassed, made me feel even more awkward.
I was dressed in tights and a very tight skirt and I struggled to get the skirt up and still keep my dignity. He had to measure my thigh right up to my groin and at that point, I felt I was getting far too close to my pharmacist for my liking! It also made me feel very fat, old, ugly and unshaven.
After 72 hours, I picked up the stockings and the next day I tried the horrid things on. What I talk about here are beige support stockings that are going all the way up to the groin and looks like something Miss Marple would wear. The little suckers where so tight that I almost got a haemorrhage pulling them up. I even had to put the fan on to stop me from sweating too much. When I was done, all the fat from my ankle up to my groin was stored somewhere above my bum and around the groin I was left with flapping bits of the stockings that I had nowhere to put so they just hanged there. The stockings worked as a push-up bra for my bum, it never been so perky!
I managed to walk down to Ritzy café in Brixton, with my perky ass, to meet a friend for a coffee but half way through I had to go to the loo and take the damn thing off. How the hell am I supposed to wear these things every day?
The whole experience made me feel very old indeed. That combined with losing a lot of weight, which has resulted in excess empty skin, has left me completely body conscious. So when I went to the Lido I couldn’t enjoy it because all I could think about was my varicose veins, bingo arms and empty sagging bags on the inside of my tights. The fact that my tankini is too big, did not improve the feeling. Neither did the four gorgeous young girls on the blanket next to mine. I feel like I am way past the best before date. I really struggled to feel grateful that at last there was a warm enough summer day to be spent at the poolside.
I have resolved to the fact that I should stay away from clubbing for a while just to get that thrown out the window when I saw The Harder They Come at the Wimbledon Theatre with the girls. We all sang along to Voice FM in the car on the way home and I decided that I definitely will go out dancing next weekend.
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