Bad luck

Can someone please tell me, why do you sometimes wake up with the imprints of your pillow in your face but not always? It only seems to happen when I am sleeping deep. The alarm goes off and I feel like I have been pulled back from another time zone, it's only then that I have pillow marks in my face, never when I wake up from rosy dreams. Why is that?
Anyway, that is what happened to me on Monday morning, I woke up with the pillow imprinted on my face. That rather set the tone for the rest of the week. Basically, everything I tried to achieve this week went to pots.
For example, my new washing machine was delivered on Monday and I installed it with the help of the landlord’s maintenance guy. I was over the moon to, at last, have the luxury of owning a washing machine. I did a test run that resulted in a washing machine half full of water; the blooming thing didn't work properly. I called the shop and they will send someone to fix it next week! Now the machine is standing in my kitchen with a single red light on, like an evil eye, reminding me that I need to practice to be patient!

I had a car boot sale outside my house, in the front garden. I thought it would be a great way to get rid of some old junk and get a tan in the same time, in other words to kill two birds with one stone. However, I only sold for £5!
While I was standing there, enjoying the sun, suddenly police cars appeared from everywhere and blocked the street. Apparently, they did a raid at the house across the street, which is some sort halfway house for young men that are being rehabilitated back to society after jail or rehab, not sure which. After the raid, two police officers turned their attention to me and walked up to my little stand. I thought they were going to arrest me for selling without a licence or something. In my head, I saw myself being transported away in the police van. My imagination takes the better of me sometimes! They just had a look at the things I sold and said that my little boot sale was a great idea and good for the community spirit.

On Saturday, I went to Southwark Park to celebrate the Swedish Midsummer with about hundred other Swedes. Most people in the park must have wondered what the heck was going on when the peace in the park suddenly was disturbed by a bunch of women dressed in blue and yellow dresses and flowers in the hair carrying a pole decorated with flowers, accompanied by musicians playing violins. The women put the pole in the ground and people started to dance around whilst singing songs in Swedish. I was moved to tears and felt positively homesick. Deep inside of me there is a Swedish Viking heart pounding proudly over the Swedish culture. However, I was more focused on the hot dogs and the strawberry cake than the dancing. I always say that you need to get your priorities right!

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