Abolish stoning!

Apparently, a woman in Iran is waiting to be stoned to death for adultery! I just can't believe that barbaric tradition is still going on in the 21st century. In 2008 I read an article, in the Metro (Oct 29 2008), called “Woman adulterer is stoned to death”. The article told about an execution of a woman that allegedly breached Islamic law in Somalia. To be stoned to death means that the woman’s feet and hands are tied up and then she is buried to her neck and then stoned to death. It's a savaged practice. You can read more about the Iranian woman, and what you can do to save her, by clicking on the link to the Iran Solidarity blog that I follow.

The scary thing is that people are trying to make sharia courts legal in the UK. The suggestion is that sharia courts should be given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases such as divorce, domestic violence and financial disputes, if both parties’ voluntary complies. However, the question is, given the practice of social control of women, can Muslim women really have a free choice around the sharia law, without being a victim of social exclusion or even worse, honour killing? I find it repulsive that a so-called democratic state might allow such practice within its borders. Who will defend the women who are forced to follow the sharia court against their will? Where is the democracy in that? Who will guard their human rights?
The fact that the idea of sharia laws has even been discussed in the parliament is astonishing. The fundamental base for an equal and democratic society is that there is only one law, equal to all. The thought that people could choose legal system according to individual preference is ridiculous.
Sharia law is not dealing with minor issues, it is about women’s human rights and that the same law for all is a democratic principle. Read more on the One Law for All website.

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