I live in a crazy house in Brixton, not the house but the people in it.
The neighbour above me argues with her partner every night! She has a very loud and powerful voice that I and everybody else in the house have to endure. She barks at him about things he should or shouldn't have done. I am in bed thinking to myself, ‘why does she not just leave him?’ She doesn't like they way he behave and she seems to be unhappy with his lack of attention to her needs. But still she stays with him!
I used to be like that before, put up with shit from partners, when I was completely consumed by my illness. Now when I am stronger and love myself I have healthy boundaries for what I think is acceptable behaviour towards me.
A relationship where the man constantly ignores what I say is like living in a very small box - it stops you from growing. I deserve a better life and relationship than that.
I wish my neighbour could move on and start to love herself so that she and everybody else in the house could sleep in the night and start to enjoy life again.
One of the neighbours on my floor is cooking seriously smelly food. The odour from it seeps in under my door and makes my breathing difficult. I lit incense and oil burners but nothing can take the smell away. The question is how do you tell your neighbour that their food smell shit without being rude?
Some of my neighbours like to use their windows as a form of rubbish chute and throw out condoms, used nappies and tampons. Some people just can't bother to walk the five meters to the bins so instead they just dump their rubbish outside the main entrance. This can explain why we got mice in the house!
I struggle to see the logic of this. Yes, we do live in a dump but you are only going to get the place as nice as you make it.
A neighbour and I tried to fix the back garden with plants and garden furniture for all to enjoy but people just keep on dumping things out there. I will not let this face me, next spring I will have a go at it again.
This year I will put a Christmas tree in the staircase to make the place nice for Christmas. It is going to be interesting to see how long the tree will stand. Maybe I should go around the house and take bets...
Read my reflections on how it is to live in Brixton in poor housing and poverty. Follow me and my neighbours’ struggle to deal with shit that happens in our house and in our neighbourhood. Brixton is crazy and wicked but never boring – I love it!
The illegitimate royal family
I watched a history programme on 4oD the other night and Tony Robinson showed some evidence that suggested that King Edward IV in fact was a bastard and as a result the wrong family sit at the throne of England. The real King of England is some dude living in Australia! There you go, that is how it is with the nobility – it is all a fake.
I think it's time we drop the titles and just accept that all humans are equal and therefore silly titles are redundant. Sir this and Lord that is all rubbish and old fashion.
Not to mention the stupid Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss you have to tick whenever you fill in a form. Dear reader, please note that there is only one option for men and three for women. The female titles all relates to a woman’s status in relation to a man whilst men are always a Mr in their own right, regardless of marital status. I think next time I get a form like that I will tick the other-option and write Genius Eva Wall.
Let us all stop this silliness and just call each other by our first names, after all we are all just humans.
When I came to England some twelve years ago I was offended by the language police. You are not allowed to swear!!!! What the f--k is that about? Talk about having the protestant hypocrisy running the show. To swear would only be a bad thing if you are religious and believe there is a God and a life after death in hell or paradise according the level of swearing in your life on earth. However, for a person like me that don't believe there is a mighty God in heaven that will punish me for my use of language the whole notion that people can tell me how to express myself is offensive. Surely, they have the right to have the opinion that my, or anybody else’s language is foul but who are they to tell me how to talk? I can agree that a person that swear left, right and centre not exactly come across as the most intelligent person but if it rocks their boat then I say, go ahead and swear your heart out!
Personally, if I hit a toe or hurt myself there is a certain level of release in shouting shit! Shouting sugar does not really do it for me. So let me suggest that from today we call each other by our first names and we let people speak as they choose and swear as much as they like. How else could you express the Tory politics and their budget cut – it's fucking shit and it stinks!
I think it's time we drop the titles and just accept that all humans are equal and therefore silly titles are redundant. Sir this and Lord that is all rubbish and old fashion.
Not to mention the stupid Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss you have to tick whenever you fill in a form. Dear reader, please note that there is only one option for men and three for women. The female titles all relates to a woman’s status in relation to a man whilst men are always a Mr in their own right, regardless of marital status. I think next time I get a form like that I will tick the other-option and write Genius Eva Wall.
Let us all stop this silliness and just call each other by our first names, after all we are all just humans.
When I came to England some twelve years ago I was offended by the language police. You are not allowed to swear!!!! What the f--k is that about? Talk about having the protestant hypocrisy running the show. To swear would only be a bad thing if you are religious and believe there is a God and a life after death in hell or paradise according the level of swearing in your life on earth. However, for a person like me that don't believe there is a mighty God in heaven that will punish me for my use of language the whole notion that people can tell me how to express myself is offensive. Surely, they have the right to have the opinion that my, or anybody else’s language is foul but who are they to tell me how to talk? I can agree that a person that swear left, right and centre not exactly come across as the most intelligent person but if it rocks their boat then I say, go ahead and swear your heart out!
Personally, if I hit a toe or hurt myself there is a certain level of release in shouting shit! Shouting sugar does not really do it for me. So let me suggest that from today we call each other by our first names and we let people speak as they choose and swear as much as they like. How else could you express the Tory politics and their budget cut – it's fucking shit and it stinks!
The week of silly suggestions
Yes, it has been a week of silly suggestions coming out from the Conservative Party Conference. I have become scared of listening to the news in dread of hearing yet another stupid idea of theirs.
First, they suggested that inmates should work for private companies. Apparently, it's time for prisoners to get out of their beds and start to work and a small fraction of the profit from the prisoners’ work will go to victim support. But does this not mean that the punishment for the prisoners kind of increases? They been judged to stay a certain time behind bars as a punishment for their crimes but now the Government suggest they should go to the salt mines and do some slave work as well. Will this result in shorter time behind bars then, or?
They already have this system in place in America and there we can see some worrying results. The industry has developed into a new form of slavery where black and Hispanic inmates are exploited as cheap labour. In America you can also see a strange situation where crimes go down but jail population goes up. Read more about the effects of the Government’s suggestion will have in an article by Vicky Pelaez on Global Research website
Secondly, the conservatives want to make the GPs responsible for the local NHS budget. Instead of having a democratic system where tax payers get NHS care based on “equal rights for all” decided by elected politicians the conservatives would like the GP to decide who will get treatment and who will not. As if postcode lottery was not bad enough as it is. I live in a poor area in South London and many people in my area suffer from poor health, often generated from their poverty. The conservative’s new suggestion will mean that my GP will not be able to provide treatment and care for all people that need it. Instead the doctor has to choose between his patients. I can only see this suggestion as being extremely unfair. So inequality must be what the conservatives mean when they talk about ‘Together in the National Interest.’
Thirdly, Cameron wants to cut down on benefits for everyone that can work so that they can no longer live on other peoples taxes! But what he actually says with such statement is that people on sickness benefits are fraudsters that really are fit and healthy but just too lazy to work, which is not true. Most people on sickness benefits are really sick.
What about the MPs deductions for toilet seats, reparations on their homes and other silly deductions, are they not an obvious abuse of tax payers’ money?
The question here is; who is the real parasite in this society? The sick and poor or the rich and greedy?
Personally, I have worked and paid taxes since I was fourteen and I have no children, I do not drive a car, I live in the city and I don't smoke. Should I then, according to Cameron, pay less tax than the people that does all the above?
But if we all discussed like that, nobody would have to pay taxes and then the state will fall apart and we get anarchy. I think Cameron and his friends' own greed got the better of them on the conference and they all got a major brain fart!
And when it comes to the cut in child benefits for families with one ‘high’ earner, don't even get me started!
This is the reason why I have spent the week watching the history programmes on Demand on 4 and stayed clear of the news.
First, they suggested that inmates should work for private companies. Apparently, it's time for prisoners to get out of their beds and start to work and a small fraction of the profit from the prisoners’ work will go to victim support. But does this not mean that the punishment for the prisoners kind of increases? They been judged to stay a certain time behind bars as a punishment for their crimes but now the Government suggest they should go to the salt mines and do some slave work as well. Will this result in shorter time behind bars then, or?
They already have this system in place in America and there we can see some worrying results. The industry has developed into a new form of slavery where black and Hispanic inmates are exploited as cheap labour. In America you can also see a strange situation where crimes go down but jail population goes up. Read more about the effects of the Government’s suggestion will have in an article by Vicky Pelaez on Global Research website
Secondly, the conservatives want to make the GPs responsible for the local NHS budget. Instead of having a democratic system where tax payers get NHS care based on “equal rights for all” decided by elected politicians the conservatives would like the GP to decide who will get treatment and who will not. As if postcode lottery was not bad enough as it is. I live in a poor area in South London and many people in my area suffer from poor health, often generated from their poverty. The conservative’s new suggestion will mean that my GP will not be able to provide treatment and care for all people that need it. Instead the doctor has to choose between his patients. I can only see this suggestion as being extremely unfair. So inequality must be what the conservatives mean when they talk about ‘Together in the National Interest.’
Thirdly, Cameron wants to cut down on benefits for everyone that can work so that they can no longer live on other peoples taxes! But what he actually says with such statement is that people on sickness benefits are fraudsters that really are fit and healthy but just too lazy to work, which is not true. Most people on sickness benefits are really sick.
What about the MPs deductions for toilet seats, reparations on their homes and other silly deductions, are they not an obvious abuse of tax payers’ money?
The question here is; who is the real parasite in this society? The sick and poor or the rich and greedy?
Personally, I have worked and paid taxes since I was fourteen and I have no children, I do not drive a car, I live in the city and I don't smoke. Should I then, according to Cameron, pay less tax than the people that does all the above?
But if we all discussed like that, nobody would have to pay taxes and then the state will fall apart and we get anarchy. I think Cameron and his friends' own greed got the better of them on the conference and they all got a major brain fart!
And when it comes to the cut in child benefits for families with one ‘high’ earner, don't even get me started!
This is the reason why I have spent the week watching the history programmes on Demand on 4 and stayed clear of the news.
Extreme right
Recently there was a general election in Sweden and, to my horror, the extreme right got into to the Riksdagen (the Parliament). They got twenty blooming seats!
Will people never learn? Through history we can see how extreme right always win seats when the economy is in crisis. I guess people are looking for quick fixes and come up with the idea that kicking out all foreigners and stop immigration will solve the problem. But they fail to see that the real parasites in our society are the bankers. They are like vampires that suck the blood out of ordinary working people.
Speaking about bankers, Simone and I went to Waddesdon Manor, which used to be one of the houses of the Rothschild family, the famous banking family. I must say I have never seen a house in such extreme wealth. It was on par with the pharaohs’ of Egypt or the King of Brunei. It was filthy rich. I could not even afford to buy a door knob in the blooming house!
The question in my head, as I walked around the house, was how is it possible for one person to become so rich? Does anyone single person deserve such richness? I mean, what have they done to become filthy rich that is so much better than anyone else done? Bless the Rothschild family for their luck in life, but I can't help to think that someone, somewhere in the family must have done something that isn't really morally correct.
Apparently, the first Rothschild came from a Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt and managed, in only one generation to become successful international bankers. The question is how did that happen? How do you go from nothing to mega-rich without actually selling anything solid? Can you do that without taking from someone else, walking over somebody’s body or somehow taking advantage of someone else’s misery?
How many of the so called noble and rich did not have their wealth from slavery or exploiting the poor as landlords? It's not surprising that human trafficking is the fastest growing industry in world today. History has a tendency to repeat itself.
The bankers have caused a situation where 66% of peoples’ gross income goes to pay bank interests (for mortgages and credit cards). My bank even offered me credit, to me! I am poor as pauper! The banks obviously have started just as before the bank crisis, with reckless lending, and we, the people are left to pay the bill of their party.
Basically we are back to square one, where the rich men own the poor just like under feudalism, when landowners owned the poor dependant tenants.
This week, the sitting right wing Government decided to raise the minimum wages with a few pennies, which would not make a huge difference to the poor. Especially when you think about the cuts in the public spending, this will mean that the poor are worse off than before. (Interestingly, two thirds of the people on minimum wage are women; despite that 50% of the workforce is women. Talk about overrepresentation of women on minimum pay! Sod all people who say that feminism is not needed toady!)
In the same time HSBC made a £7 billon profit between January and June 2010, that is more than £38 million a day (according to Mail online).
Surely, there are other ways to sort the debt than cutting the public spending? For example, get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, stop the imbecile ghost chase on terrorists, tax hedge funds, increase tax for people earning over £100,000 per year and stop the bankers’ bonuses!
Will people never learn? Through history we can see how extreme right always win seats when the economy is in crisis. I guess people are looking for quick fixes and come up with the idea that kicking out all foreigners and stop immigration will solve the problem. But they fail to see that the real parasites in our society are the bankers. They are like vampires that suck the blood out of ordinary working people.
Speaking about bankers, Simone and I went to Waddesdon Manor, which used to be one of the houses of the Rothschild family, the famous banking family. I must say I have never seen a house in such extreme wealth. It was on par with the pharaohs’ of Egypt or the King of Brunei. It was filthy rich. I could not even afford to buy a door knob in the blooming house!
The question in my head, as I walked around the house, was how is it possible for one person to become so rich? Does anyone single person deserve such richness? I mean, what have they done to become filthy rich that is so much better than anyone else done? Bless the Rothschild family for their luck in life, but I can't help to think that someone, somewhere in the family must have done something that isn't really morally correct.
Apparently, the first Rothschild came from a Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt and managed, in only one generation to become successful international bankers. The question is how did that happen? How do you go from nothing to mega-rich without actually selling anything solid? Can you do that without taking from someone else, walking over somebody’s body or somehow taking advantage of someone else’s misery?
How many of the so called noble and rich did not have their wealth from slavery or exploiting the poor as landlords? It's not surprising that human trafficking is the fastest growing industry in world today. History has a tendency to repeat itself.
The bankers have caused a situation where 66% of peoples’ gross income goes to pay bank interests (for mortgages and credit cards). My bank even offered me credit, to me! I am poor as pauper! The banks obviously have started just as before the bank crisis, with reckless lending, and we, the people are left to pay the bill of their party.
Basically we are back to square one, where the rich men own the poor just like under feudalism, when landowners owned the poor dependant tenants.
This week, the sitting right wing Government decided to raise the minimum wages with a few pennies, which would not make a huge difference to the poor. Especially when you think about the cuts in the public spending, this will mean that the poor are worse off than before. (Interestingly, two thirds of the people on minimum wage are women; despite that 50% of the workforce is women. Talk about overrepresentation of women on minimum pay! Sod all people who say that feminism is not needed toady!)
In the same time HSBC made a £7 billon profit between January and June 2010, that is more than £38 million a day (according to Mail online).
Surely, there are other ways to sort the debt than cutting the public spending? For example, get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, stop the imbecile ghost chase on terrorists, tax hedge funds, increase tax for people earning over £100,000 per year and stop the bankers’ bonuses!
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