Recently there was a general election in Sweden and, to my horror, the extreme right got into to the Riksdagen (the Parliament). They got twenty blooming seats!
Will people never learn? Through history we can see how extreme right always win seats when the economy is in crisis. I guess people are looking for quick fixes and come up with the idea that kicking out all foreigners and stop immigration will solve the problem. But they fail to see that the real parasites in our society are the bankers. They are like vampires that suck the blood out of ordinary working people.
Speaking about bankers, Simone and I went to Waddesdon Manor, which used to be one of the houses of the Rothschild family, the famous banking family. I must say I have never seen a house in such extreme wealth. It was on par with the pharaohs’ of Egypt or the King of Brunei. It was filthy rich. I could not even afford to buy a door knob in the blooming house!
The question in my head, as I walked around the house, was how is it possible for one person to become so rich? Does anyone single person deserve such richness? I mean, what have they done to become filthy rich that is so much better than anyone else done? Bless the Rothschild family for their luck in life, but I can't help to think that someone, somewhere in the family must have done something that isn't really morally correct.
Apparently, the first Rothschild came from a Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt and managed, in only one generation to become successful international bankers. The question is how did that happen? How do you go from nothing to mega-rich without actually selling anything solid? Can you do that without taking from someone else, walking over somebody’s body or somehow taking advantage of someone else’s misery?
How many of the so called noble and rich did not have their wealth from slavery or exploiting the poor as landlords? It's not surprising that human trafficking is the fastest growing industry in world today. History has a tendency to repeat itself.
The bankers have caused a situation where 66% of peoples’ gross income goes to pay bank interests (for mortgages and credit cards). My bank even offered me credit, to me! I am poor as pauper! The banks obviously have started just as before the bank crisis, with reckless lending, and we, the people are left to pay the bill of their party.
Basically we are back to square one, where the rich men own the poor just like under feudalism, when landowners owned the poor dependant tenants.
This week, the sitting right wing Government decided to raise the minimum wages with a few pennies, which would not make a huge difference to the poor. Especially when you think about the cuts in the public spending, this will mean that the poor are worse off than before. (Interestingly, two thirds of the people on minimum wage are women; despite that 50% of the workforce is women. Talk about overrepresentation of women on minimum pay! Sod all people who say that feminism is not needed toady!)
In the same time HSBC made a £7 billon profit between January and June 2010, that is more than £38 million a day (according to Mail online).
Surely, there are other ways to sort the debt than cutting the public spending? For example, get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, stop the imbecile ghost chase on terrorists, tax hedge funds, increase tax for people earning over £100,000 per year and stop the bankers’ bonuses!
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