I watched a history programme on 4oD the other night and Tony Robinson showed some evidence that suggested that King Edward IV in fact was a bastard and as a result the wrong family sit at the throne of England. The real King of England is some dude living in Australia! There you go, that is how it is with the nobility – it is all a fake.
I think it's time we drop the titles and just accept that all humans are equal and therefore silly titles are redundant. Sir this and Lord that is all rubbish and old fashion.
Not to mention the stupid Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss you have to tick whenever you fill in a form. Dear reader, please note that there is only one option for men and three for women. The female titles all relates to a woman’s status in relation to a man whilst men are always a Mr in their own right, regardless of marital status. I think next time I get a form like that I will tick the other-option and write Genius Eva Wall.
Let us all stop this silliness and just call each other by our first names, after all we are all just humans.
When I came to England some twelve years ago I was offended by the language police. You are not allowed to swear!!!! What the f--k is that about? Talk about having the protestant hypocrisy running the show. To swear would only be a bad thing if you are religious and believe there is a God and a life after death in hell or paradise according the level of swearing in your life on earth. However, for a person like me that don't believe there is a mighty God in heaven that will punish me for my use of language the whole notion that people can tell me how to express myself is offensive. Surely, they have the right to have the opinion that my, or anybody else’s language is foul but who are they to tell me how to talk? I can agree that a person that swear left, right and centre not exactly come across as the most intelligent person but if it rocks their boat then I say, go ahead and swear your heart out!
Personally, if I hit a toe or hurt myself there is a certain level of release in shouting shit! Shouting sugar does not really do it for me. So let me suggest that from today we call each other by our first names and we let people speak as they choose and swear as much as they like. How else could you express the Tory politics and their budget cut – it's fucking shit and it stinks!
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